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Did you know?

NCD mortality in the Caribbean is the highest in the Americas; Our diabetes prevalence is double global rates; In some countries over 50% of the population has high blood pressure; Less than a third of school children aged 13-15 years get the recommended level of physical activity? Click on our latest fact sheet to get […]

COHSOD: Making progress in the NCD response

Non-communicable diseases were high on the agenda at the 30th meeting of the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD). Taking place at PAHO Headquarter in Washington on 24-25 September, one of the key elements of the meeting agreed on revised priorities for the 2007 Port of Spain Declaration on NCDs. A report on the […]

Getting salty in Jamaica

Getting salty in Jamaica Many of us in the Caribbean are eating too much salt. A recent study from the region of the Americas found that although 90% of people believe salt is bad for their health, only 30% thought reducing salt intake is very important. In Barbados, according to the Health of the Nation […]

NCDs central to COHSOD meeting

NCDs central to COHSOD meeting  Non-communicable diseases will be high on the agenda at the 30th meeting of the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD). Taking place at PAHO Headquarter in Washington on 24-25 September, one of the key elements of the meeting will be to agree on revised priorities for the 2007 Port […]

Caribbean Wellness Day

Healthy Children in Healthy Environments is the theme of this year’s Caribbean Wellness Day (CWD). Since 2008, on every second Saturday in September people, organisations and communities from all over the region have come together for CWD to strengthen the all-of-society response to non-communicable diseases (NCDs), promoting healthy living, activities and programmes that support wellness. […]

Trinidad and Tobago: civil society rises to the NCD challenge

Trinidad and Tobago: civil society rises to the NCD challenge   The multisectoral response to the NCD epidemic in Trinidad and Tobago was given a welcome boost recently when a host of civil society organisations met in Port of Spain to discuss accelerating action against chronic diseases. Held on July 28, the meeting brought together […]

Social determinants of health: inequality is a mass killer

Social determinants of health: inequality is a mass killer, says top academic Most of the burden of ill health is socially determined and “social injustice is killing on a grand scale,” Professor Sir Michael Marmot, President of the World Medical Association told a rapt audience in Port of Spain this weekend. Speaking at the Trinidad […]

Getting fitter: why we all plan to start ‘tomorrow’

Getting fitter: why we all plan to start ‘tomorrow’ The vast majority of Barbadians, six out of 10 men and an alarming nine out of 10 women, get too little exercise and this is having severe consequences for the health of the nation. At a recent public meeting, a panel including fitness experts, town planners, civil […]

CARICOM pledges stronger action on NCDs

CARICOM pledges stronger action on NCDs Good news for the NCD response in the Caribbean! The communiqué issued at the thirty-seventh CARICOM Heads of Government Conference (July 4-6) places chronic diseases firmly on the leaders’ agenda in the run-up to the 10th anniversary of the Port of Spain Declaration on NCDs. Noting that progress on […]

Health in All Polices: Suriname is trailblazing

Health in All Polices: Suriname is trailblazing A Health in All Policies approach seeks to improve overall health and development by integrating health issues into decision-making across all sectors. This collaborative idea chimes well with the oft-repeated mantra that the response to non-communicable diseases has to be truly multisectoral, involving all-of-society, if it is to […]