• School Nutrition Standards

One of the key areas of weakness identified from the Port of Spain Evaluation project was schools. The FaN project, in collaboration with University of Technology, Jamaica, aimed to establish School Nutrition Policy in each of the study countries (Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis and St. Vincent & the Grenadines).

During the development of the Draft Policy for School Nutrition, collaborators first needed Standards for School Nutrition to guide the planning and implementation of critical areas. The development of such national policies and standards requires the necessary consultations with numerous stakeholders to ensure buy-in when the policy is enacted.

In collaboration with various local stakeholders (to ensure buy-in once enacted as a policy), Nutrition Standards and Policy for in and around schools were drafted for Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis and St. Kitts & the Grenadines. This included a gender review to ensure more gender-sensitive and inclusive language.  In collaboration with various stakeholders (to ensure buy-in once enacted as a policy), Nutrition Standards and Policy for use in and around schools were drafted for JAM, SKN and SVG. This included a gender review to ensure more gender-sensitive and inclusive language. In JAM, the Standards and Policy were established, and after a series of revisions through the Cabinet, it has been approved by Cabinet at the Green paper stage and it now moves to the White paper stage of approval. Stakeholder engagement is ongoing in SKN and SVG before these documents are finalised and submitted to their respective Cabinets. Once approved by Cabinets, dissemination to stakeholders for sensitisation will proceed.

These important documents will be shared on this page once they are officially approved by Cabinets.