NCD Stories
Implementation Workshop

Uniting to Stop the NCD Epidemic – Time to Accelerate Action A “golden opportunity”: Major regional workshop to tackle NCDs starts this week Some 60 leaders, experts and activists in the Caribbean NCD response will meet in Port of Spain on February 24 and 25 to get to grips with the epidemic of diseases, such […]

Tracie-Ann’s story: adapting to a new life after stroke

My name is Tracie-Ann Jessamy and I am 44 years old. In 2014 I had a stroke. Many people believe that it’s only older people who this happens to, but this is not the case. When people look at me they don’t really see someone who has had a stroke. They tell me I look […]

A view from St Kitts and Nevis

Dr Patrick Martin, the Chief Medical Officer in St Kitts and Nevis, talks frankly about what really needs to be done to tackle the NCD “tsunami”. “There is no doubt in my mind that our people know there is an NCD problem …. However, knowing and doing are two different things. And that’s where we […]

Chair of Grenada’s National Chronic Non-communicable
Disease Commission speaks out

Professor Ọmọwale Amulẹru-Marshall, Chair of Grenada’s NCD Commission explores successes and highlights challenges facing the body as it tries to make a difference in the NCD response. My name is Ọmọwale Amulẹru-Marshall and I am a Professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine and Director of Community Health and Outreach at St. George’s University in […]

Faith and health go hand-in-hand

Priscilla Prevost of the Seventh Day Adventists in the Eastern Caribbean shares her ideas on the importance of eating well and keeping fit and why promoting public health has been her passion for 20 years.  “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” 3 […]

Living with a stroke: one family’s story

Trevor Redhead had a stroke in May 2014. His wife Beverley and daughter Tara talk about the profound effect this event has had on their lives. Beverley Redhead was asleep in the early hours of the morning when she heard a thud. Her husband of many years, Trevor, had collapsed on his way to the […]

Public perceptions of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

What does the public understand about NCDs? Have they heard of them? What are their experiences of them and how do they feel they touch their lives? This was the question that Dr Anique Atherley, a Junior Research Fellow at the University of the West Indies and a group of researchers set out to answer […]

Keep on moving in Port of Spain

Every Sunday morning between the hours of six and nine hundreds of people in Diego Martin, a suburb of Trinidad’s capital Port of Spain, take over the streets. Every Sunday morning between the hours of six and nine hundreds of people in Diego Martin, a suburb of Trinidad’s capital Port of Spain, take over the […]

BVI: Striving for healthier, happier pupils

Efforts to give the children of the British Virgin Islands a healthier start in life have received a significant boost with a ground-breaking initiative aimed at raising their level of nutrition and physical activity. Since October 2015 hundreds of primary school pupils in the country’s 15 public schools have been benefiting from a behaviour change […]

Civil society in Jamaica spearheading progress
in tobacco control

The Jamaica Coalition for Tobacco Control (JCTC) has used its influence and expertise to highlight the dangers of tobacco use and push for meaningful tobacco control regulation.   Civil society has a pivotal role to play in the national and regional challenge to non-communicable diseases and should be centre stage in the whole-of-society approach to stemming […]