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Objective 3

Undertaking in-depth case studies within 7 countries and territories in order to determine: a. The agreement between reported implementation of the 27 commitments and substantive change (effective implementation) b. The degree of use of multi-sectoral approaches including the engagement of civil society, the private sector and Government ministries and agencies in addition to Health c […]

Objective 4a

To Investigate the success of policy development and implementation with regard to tobacco control measures within all CARICOM countries and investigating factors associated their successful implementation.   Method: This will involves the review of the status of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) implementation in the region and triangulated against against Key Informant descriptions […]

Objective 4b

To estimating the potential for revenue generation for NCD prevention and control from taxes on tobacco and alcohol.   Method: This will involve economic modeling will be estimate the potential for revenue generation from cigarette and alcohol consumption in the region taking into consideration the region’s various combinations of specific and ad valorem taxes. In […]

Objective 4c

Objective 4c   To describe within the limitations of currently available data, trends in NCD mortality and risk factors from the year 2000 to 2013, in the 20 CARICOM countries and territories.   Method: Data collection will be through Key Informant Interview and review national health policy documents. An audit of media penetration will also […]

Objective 5

To determine the degree to which regional and international bodies have met the commitments outlined in the Port of Spain declaration.   Method: This will involve review of policy documents, meeting reports, and peer-reviewed publications related to NCD planning in the region as well as and Key Informant Interviews.

Objective 6

Assessing to the impact of the POS Declaration regionally and internationally, including its role in instigating and shaping the UNHLM.   Method: This will include a review of policy documents, cross referenced against with findings from objectives 3 and 5 to outline role that the 2007 Port of Spain Declaration played in the realization of […]

Objective 7

Building on the lessons learnt from this evaluation detailed action plan and implementation strategy will be developed that will: a. Fills gaps identified in the POS implementation b. Takes account of multi-sectorality and opposed interests c. Includes resources required and their potential sources for sustainable financing d. Improves upon the monitoring of POS, monitors the […]

Objective 8

Disseminating the lessons learnt from this evaluation nationally and regionally to enhance implementation of POS and globally to inform the attainment of commitments from the UN High Level Meeting on NCDs.   Method: A communication strategy and plan identifying key target audiences ranging from CARICOM Heads of Government to the woman/man in the street will […]